Fisher-Chick Killer Rig II

Product Description
Fisher-Chick Killer Rigs are moving water or trolling rigs. Each rig has a size 3 Fisher-Chick nickel blade with a propeller. A swivel is tied to the bottom so the fisher-person can customize and attach their own favorite rig. There were 6 new killer rigs tested in September 2011 at the annual Fish Fest in Eagle Nest Lake, NM. All the rigs worked with the orange and black patterns working best respectively. These 2 attractor rigs worked as well if not better than trolling a christmas tree without all the drag. Locals that tested the rigs stated that they had never caught their limits so fast. Fish caught using Fisher-Chick lures attached to Killer Rig II's with approximately 2-3 foot leaders were rainbow trout, salmon, perch and pike. Fisher-Chick tested and approved. All spinners and attractors are individually hand tied and made in New Mexico (USA). Fisher-Chick brand, New Mexico's number one (1), best made fishing lures/spinners. (Made in America)